
I have thousands and thousands of picture that I've recording since 2017 (I'm only counting the pictures taken with a professional camera) from all the fieldtrips that I did mainly in Portugal and Ireland.

Recently I decided to do the crazy task of searching folder by folder for all the Lepidoptera species I found so far. Lepidopera is an Order of Insects that includes Butterflies and Moths. All the members of this order have:

  • 4 wings
  • 6 legs
  • 2 antennae 
  • body divided in 3 sections
More interesting info about Lepidopterahere

The biggest amount of species I recorded in Ireland (19 species), followed by Portugal (8 species), Austria (2 species) and Slovakia (1 species). Hopefully this year I will be able to record some new species to my photography collection.

Let's start this adventure!

Irlanda | Ireland

Euphydryas aurinia

Euphydryas aurinia

Argynnis aglaja aka Mesoacidalia aglaia

Anthocharis cardamines

Pieris napi

Celastrina argiolus

Pararge aegeria

Inachis io

Lycaena phlaeas

Polyommatus icarus

Polyommatus icarus

Polyommatus icarus

Euclidia glyphica

Tyria jacobaeae

Zygaena filipendulae

Argynnis paphia

Pieris brassicae

Erynnis tages

Aglais urticae

Pseudopanthera macularia

Coenonympha pamphilus

Vanessa atalanta


Papilio machaon

Charaxes jasius

Iphiclides feisthamelii

Maniola jurtina

Pararge aegeria

Vanessa atalanta

Polyommatus sp.

Polyommatus sp.

Pieris rapae

Eslováquia | Slovakia

Erebia euryale

Áustria | Austria

Vanessa cardui

Siona lineata

Siona lineata

Don't forget to have your eyes wide open on your next walk and try to spot some of these beauties.

A huge thank you to Martine for the ID's of the Irish species.


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