Banco de sementes - Seed's bank
Os meses quentes já têm os dias contados, e a época alta da floração vai-se afastando a passos largos. Daqui para a frente e até ao inverno, o número de espécies que ainda irão florir é cada vez menor.
Como sabemos, o grande propósito da existência da flor (nas plantas com flor - angiospermas) é garantir que cada planta mantém a continuidade da sua espécie, através das sementes que irão aparecer posteriormente. Muitas vezes as sementes caiem diretamente no chão e poderão germinar no futuro consoante as condições a que serão submetidas.
Devemos salvaguardar a existência das nossas espécies, e por isso, é importante criarmos um banco de sementes, onde iremos guardar todas as sementes das plantas que possuímos na nossa coleção. Nunca se sabe se, por algum motivo adverso, iremos perder uma planta, mas tendo a garantia deste banco de sementes, teremos novas oportunidades de recolocá-las no jardim.
É sempre boa altura de dar uma olhadela e ver o que já está com semente no jardim, especialmente nesta altura do ano. Ora vejam o que havia pronto para ser recolhido no meu jardim:
The warm months are already numbered, and the high season of flowering is striding away. From now on and until the winter, the number of species that will still flower is decreasing.
As we know, the great purpose of flower existence (in flowering plants) is to ensure that each plant maintains the continuity of its species through the seeds that will appear later. Often the seeds fall directly on the ground and may germinate in the future according to the conditions to which they will be submitted.
We must safeguard the existence of our species, and so it is important to create a seed bank, where we will keep all the seeds of the plants that we have in our collection. You never know if for some adverse reason we will lose a plant, but with the guarantee of this seed bank, we will have new opportunities to put them back in the garden.
It's always a good time to take a look and see what seeds are already in the garden, especially at this time of year. Now see what was ready to be gathered in my garden:
The warm months are already numbered, and the high season of flowering is striding away. From now on and until the winter, the number of species that will still flower is decreasing.
As we know, the great purpose of flower existence (in flowering plants) is to ensure that each plant maintains the continuity of its species through the seeds that will appear later. Often the seeds fall directly on the ground and may germinate in the future according to the conditions to which they will be submitted.
We must safeguard the existence of our species, and so it is important to create a seed bank, where we will keep all the seeds of the plants that we have in our collection. You never know if for some adverse reason we will lose a plant, but with the guarantee of this seed bank, we will have new opportunities to put them back in the garden.
It's always a good time to take a look and see what seeds are already in the garden, especially at this time of year. Now see what was ready to be gathered in my garden:
Cápsula ainda verde de Platycodon (fotografia tirada no mês passado) | Platycodon still green capsule (photo taken last month) |
Cápsula carregada de sementes de Platycodon (fotografia desta semana) | Platycodon seed-loaded capsule (photo this week) |
Sementes de Allium schubertii | Allium schubertii's seeds |
Planta seca de Allium schubertii carregada de sementes | Dried plant of Allium schubertii full of seeds |
Cápsula de sementes comum numa planta do género botânico Salvia | Common seed pod in a plant of Salvia botanical genus |
Cápsula com as sementes de Salvia farinacea 'Snow white' | Pod with the seeds of Salvia farinacea 'Snow white' |
Cápsula com as sementes de Salvia greggii 'alba' | Pod with the seeds of Salvia greggii 'alba' |
Sementes de Eucomis | Eucomis' seeds |
Nas plantas anuais (o período desde que nascem até que morrem dura no espaço máximo um ano) é essencial fazer recolha de sementes, pois não é garantido que as sementes que se dispersam sozinhas da planta pelo jardim germinem no ano seguinte. É importante ter em conta que há vários fatores que poderão eliminar as sementes dos jardins: efeito do vento; animais que se alimentam de sementes; escoamento devido às regas ou à água da chuva; apodrecimento; ... As plantas anuais não irão aparecer no ano seguinte a partir do momento em que o seu ciclo de vida fica concluído, apenas as suas sementes poderão manter a espécie nos anos seguintes no jardim.
Ocimum basilicum (manjericão), Borago officinalis (borragem), Salvia horminium, Salvia splendens, Cosmos bipinnatus, ... são alguns exemplos de plantas anuais comuns.
In annual plants (the period from birth to death lasts for a maximum of one year) seed collection is essential, as it is not guaranteed that the seeds that disperse alone from the plant through the garden will germinate the following year. It is important to take into account that there are several factors that can eliminate the seeds of the gardens: wind effect; animals that feed on seeds; runoff due to watering or rainwater; rotting; ... The annual plants will not appear in the following year from the moment their life cycle is completed, only their seeds can maintain the species in the following years in the garden.
Ocimum basilicum (basil), Borago officinalis (borage), Salvia horminium, Salvia splendens, Cosmos bipinnatus, ... are some examples of common annual plants.
In annual plants (the period from birth to death lasts for a maximum of one year) seed collection is essential, as it is not guaranteed that the seeds that disperse alone from the plant through the garden will germinate the following year. It is important to take into account that there are several factors that can eliminate the seeds of the gardens: wind effect; animals that feed on seeds; runoff due to watering or rainwater; rotting; ... The annual plants will not appear in the following year from the moment their life cycle is completed, only their seeds can maintain the species in the following years in the garden.
Ocimum basilicum (basil), Borago officinalis (borage), Salvia horminium, Salvia splendens, Cosmos bipinnatus, ... are some examples of common annual plants.
Mirabilis jalapa sempre cheia de sementes | Mirabilis jalapa always full of seeds |
Dou-vos agora algumas dicas de como preparar um banco de sementes das espécies existentes no seu jardim. Este é o método que pratico com a minha coleção.
Material básico que irá necessitar:
- Saquinhos com fecho de plástico (compra facilmente 50 unidades por menos de 1€). Pode optar por envelopes pequenos de papel, mas terá de ter atenção para eles não apanharem humidade;
- Etiquetas;
- Caneta;
- Caixa para guardar o seu banco de sementes;
Now I give you some tips on how to prepare a seed bank of the species in your garden. This is the method I practice with my collection.
Basic material you will need:
- Sachets with plastic clasp (easily buy 50 units for less than 1 €). You can opt for small paper envelopes, but you have to be careful that they do not pick up moisture;
- Hang tags;
- Pen;
- Box for storing your seed bank;
Deverá colocar as sementes de cada espécie num saquinho individual.
Em cada etiqueta deverá colocar o nome científico da planta. Quando não souber faça uma pequena pesquisa na internet, ou pergunte a outros entendidos em grupos online, por exemplo. Esta identificação com base na taxonomia científica, é universal e exclusiva de cada planta. O nome pode parecer estranho e até difícil de pronunciar, mas funciona como o BI e qualquer pessoa conseguirá chegar imediatamente à espécie em causa.
Poderá colocar o ano e o mês da recolha das sementes juntamente com o nome científico.
Guarde as sementes numa caixa escura, seca e fresca, ou noutro local com características semelhantes. É necessário ter em atenção que o passar dos anos irá influenciar a qualidade das sementes, ou seja, a taxa de germinação vai diminuindo.
You should put the seeds of each species in an individual bag.
On each label, you must enter the scientific name of the plant. When you do not know, do a little research on the internet, or ask other experts in online groups, for example. This identification based on the scientific taxonomy is universal and exclusive to each plant. The name may seem strange and even difficult to pronounce, but it works like BI and anyone will be able to get to the species at once.
You can enter the year and month of the seed collection together with the scientific name.
Store the seeds in a dark, dry, fresh box, or elsewhere with similar characteristics. It is necessary to take into account that the passing of the years will influence the quality of the seeds, that is, the germination rate will decrease.
You should put the seeds of each species in an individual bag.
On each label, you must enter the scientific name of the plant. When you do not know, do a little research on the internet, or ask other experts in online groups, for example. This identification based on the scientific taxonomy is universal and exclusive to each plant. The name may seem strange and even difficult to pronounce, but it works like BI and anyone will be able to get to the species at once.
You can enter the year and month of the seed collection together with the scientific name.
Store the seeds in a dark, dry, fresh box, or elsewhere with similar characteristics. It is necessary to take into account that the passing of the years will influence the quality of the seeds, that is, the germination rate will decrease.
Por fim, não se esqueça de levar sempre consigo alguns saquinhos e etiquetas, pois nunca se sabe se irão aparecer oportunidades no seu quotidiano em que possa coletar sementes. Mãos à obra!
Lastly, do not forget to bring some bags and labels with you, since you never know if there will be opportunities in your daily life where you can collect seeds. Get to work!
Lastly, do not forget to bring some bags and labels with you, since you never know if there will be opportunities in your daily life where you can collect seeds. Get to work!
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