Amarelo quente - Warm Yellow
Do amarelo ao verde | From yellow to green
As novidades sobre a minha viagem aos Carpátos no passado mês não param! Aqui fica a terceira de 4 publicações organizadas por cores das flores que tive possibilidade de encontrar. Flores com tonalidades amarelo e verde irão poder encontrar nesta magnífica galeria fotográfica. Caso saibam o nome científico das espécies que não têm identificação (marcadas com 'Identification standing by' na legenda), por favor deixem essa informação nos comentários. Sintam-se à vontade também para corrigir eventuais nomes científicos que eu coloquei nas legendas.
The news about my trip to the Carpathians last month doesn't stop! Here is the third of 4 posts organized by flower colors that I recorded. Flowers with yellow and green tones can be found in this magnificent photo gallery. If you know the scientific name of species without identification (marked with 'Identification standing by' in the caption), please leave this information in the comments. Feel free also to correct any scientific names I have wrote.
Aproveitem para visitar a publicação que explica de forma geral esta viagem e os habitats que descobri. Clica aqui.
Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Balsaminaceae, Orobanchaceae, Campanulaceae, Tofieldaceae e Hypericaceae, são as famílias a que pertencem as espécies que irão ver. Espero que gostem!
The news about my trip to the Carpathians last month doesn't stop! Here is the third of 4 posts organized by flower colors that I recorded. Flowers with yellow and green tones can be found in this magnificent photo gallery. If you know the scientific name of species without identification (marked with 'Identification standing by' in the caption), please leave this information in the comments. Feel free also to correct any scientific names I have wrote.
Apiaceae, Asteraceae, Balsaminaceae, Orobanchaceae, Campanulaceae, Tofieldaceae and Hypericaceae, are the families to which the species they will see belong. Hope you like it!
Digitalis grandiflora |
Digitalis grandiflora |
Melampyrum sylvaticum |
Identification standing by |
Identification standing by |
Identification standing by |
Veratrum viride |
Identification standing by |
Solidago virgaurea |
Identification standing by |
Hypericum sp. |
Identification standing by |
Identification standing by |
Senecio ovatus |
Phyteuma spicatum |
Angelica archangelica |
Angelica archangelica |
Identification standing by |
Identification standing by |
Identification standing by |
Tanacetum vulgare |
Galeopsis speciosa |
Verbascum sp. |
Verbascum nigrum |
Verbascum thapsus |
Cirsium oleraceum |
Cirsium erisithales |
Identification standing by |
Impatiens noli-tagere |
Rhinanthus sp. |
Saxifraga aizoides |
Saxifraga aizoides |
Tofieldia pusilla |
Tofieldia calyculata |
Salvia glutinosa |
Scabiosa ochroleuca |
Allium flavum |
Allium flavum |
Helichrysum arenarium |
Aproveitem para visitar a publicação que explica de forma geral esta viagem e os habitats que descobri. Clica aqui.
Take the opportunity to visit the previous post that explains in general this trip and the habitats I discovered. Click here.
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