Conferência BSBI Irlandesa da Primavera 2021 | BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2021
2021 começou em grande com algumas estreias a nível pessoal. Foi a primeira vez que fiz uma palestra numa conferência fora de Portugal, e também foi pela primeira vez que fi-lo em inglês, online e sobre botânica. Academicamente sou licenciado em Química e os (alguns) conhecimentos de Botânica que adquiri foram maioritariamente por vontade própria desde 2014. Com paixão, força de vontade, vontade de aprender e persistência vamos, pouco a pouco, atingindo os nossos objectivos de vida. Aqui vamos nós, estava bastante empolgado e também bastante nervoso, mas espero ter passado a minha mensagem da melhor forma possível. Sintam-se à vontade para partilhar e deixar o vosso feedback. Espero que gostem!
2021 started in the best way with some personal debuts. For the first time in my life I had a talk in a conference outside Portugal, and also for the first time I did in English, virtually and about botany. My academic background is Chemistry but the blood that runs on my veins belongs to Botany and the (few) botanical skills I have I've been acquiring by my own since 2014, I'm a self-trained botanist.With passion, willpower, will to learn and persistence we can, step by step, reach our life goals. So let's go, I was really excited and also very nervous, but I hope i passed my message in the best way possible. Feel free to share and to leave your feedback. Hope you like it!
Epipactis dunensis |
A Conferência | The Conference
No dia 27 de Março de 2021 teve lugar a Conferência BSBI Irlandesa da Primavera 2021 e eu fui um dos palestrantes convidados. O evento começou por volta das 10 da manhã e a minha apresentação de 15 minutos teve lugar às 10:55 sobre a minha descoberta da orquídea selvagem "Epipactis dunensis em Dublin". Mais de 100 pessoas assistiram à minha apresentação e todas as outras dos restantes palestrantes que fizeram parte do magnífico painel. Paul e Jim do BSBI foram os moderadores do evento. O meu grande agradecimento por este convite e poderão contar comigo no futuro para qualquer outra ocasião.
A minha palestra está agora disponível online no Canal do Youtube do BSBI no seguinte link: Discovery of Dune Helleborine in Dublin.
Clica aqui para assistires aos videos do Youtube de todas as outras apresentações.
On 27th March of 2021 it took place the BSBI Irish Spring Conference 2021 and I was one of the invited Speakers. The event started at 10am and at 10:55am I started my small talk of 15 minutes about "Epipactis dunensis in Dublin". More than 100 attendees assisted my presentation and all the other ones from the rest of the brilliant speakers of the panel. Paul and Jim from BSBI where moderating the talks. My hug 'Thank You' for this invitation and you can count with me in the future for any other occasion.
My talk is now available on BSBI's Youtube Channel on the following link: Discovery of Dune Helleborine in Dublin.
Click here to assist the Youtube Videos of all the other talks.
Apresentação PowerPoint | PowerPoint Presentation
Para a conferência eu preparei um PowerPoint composto por 7 slides que foi mostrado durante a a minha apresentação. Podes agora ver slides que apresentei.
For the conference I prepared a 7 slides PowerPoint presentation to show during my talk. Please find below all the slides I presented.
Slide 1 |
Slide 2 |
Slide 3 |
Slide 4 |
Slide 5 |
Slide 6 |
Slide 7 |
Texto Guia | Guide Text
Semanas antes da conferência eu preparei um texto com o conteúdo mais importante que queria falar para cada slide. Desta forma torna-se mais fácil para mim memorizar e organizar a minha apresentação e tenho também a possibilidade de dar uma olhada durante a conferência para conferir que não me esqueci dos assuntos principais.
Weeks before the conference I prepared a text with the most important content I would like to mention for each slide. In this way it become easier for me to memorize and organize my presentation, and i also have the opportunity to give a check during the conference to make sure I didn't forget to talk about any of the most important topics.
Epipactis dunensis |
"About me (slide 2)
My name is Gonçalo I’m Portuguese and I studied chemistry in Lisbon university. I became a Self-trained botanist when in 2014 I discovered my passion for Botany with the creation of my garden. From 2014 until 2018 I collected around 500 different species in a 90 squares meter area, with mainly edible and medicinal herbs, perennial plants and European native species.
In 2016 I created a blog and a its pages on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The idea was to share worldwide my work, records, and discoveries and to create new contacts with people with the same interests. Something In the Yard is the name which whom you can find on the all those platforms.
Still in 2016 I started to record Portuguese flora.
Introduction (slide 3)
In 2018 I moved to Ireland and I focused all my attentions on recording European flora, mainly the Irish one.
On July 2019 I went to visit some areas in South West Dublin with typical habitats for Epipactis species, a botanical genus that I never had contact before (in Portugal we have about 5 different species). After my first field trip I posted some images of the Epipactis that I found. On the same day I received a message from Mike Waller explaining me that the photo I posted is an Epipactis dunensis, a species not recorded for the Irish flora. Mike had an important role on highlighting me for the correct identification of the plant, a huge ‘thank you’ to him.
On the following days I visited some more places nearby that area (by following the same clues) and by the end of the week I had found a bigger number of new stems.
I contacted Brendan Sayers (horticulturist and orchid specialist at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin) and we went to visit two of the eight locations where I had located plants. The plants observed matched well with descriptions of the woodland form of Epipactis dunensis although some minor variations were present. An herbarium specimen was prepared and in March 2020 we published a scientific paper. I’m really thankful for all the help Brendan gave to me.
Description (slide 4 and 5)
Epipactis dunensis is autogamous (self-pollinated) and Epipactis helleborine is allogamous (cross-pollinated). The pollen sacks (pollinia) on E. dunensis crumble and fall into pieces onto the stigma below, this means the plant pollinating itself without the need of an insect to visit.
Epipactis helleborine is pollinated by wasps meaning that at the front of the pollinia there is a white blob of glue called viscidium which glues the pollinia to the head of the visitor which is taken away and transferred to another plant.
By the end of 2019, I found more than 30 stems divided in 8 different micro populations in South West County Dublin. All the plants are growing along a 10 km stretch of river. This species was previously known as British endemic.
The micro-populations occur in suburban commercial and recreational areas and that means they are all vulnerable to disturbance by human activity.
Today and Tomorrow (slide 6)
In the future we must keep the focus on the conservation and protection of the habitats and biodiversity.
Monitoring the existent populations through rare plant scheme.
Discovering newer populations.
Recording more new species for Irish Flora.
Investing in publicizing our findings through social media (so I recommend to everyone to create and Instagram and twitter accounts dedicated mainly to plants).Thank you (slide 7)
Thank you so much to all the attendees and for those that gave me the opportunity to have a small talk on this conference. I hope you enjoyed my presentation.
Any Questions?"
Epipactis dunensis |
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